
In This Section:

  • The Benefits of High-Intensity Training for People with Parkinson’s Disease

    by Greg Margason | Apr 19, 2023
    The Benefits of High-Intensity Training for People with Parkinson’s Disease

    What is Parkinson’s disease?

    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurodegenerative condition associated with low levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine, due to damage that occurs in a part of the midbrain known as the substantia nigra. People living with PD will have a combination of motor and nonmotor symptoms that can adversely affect activities of daily living, functional capacity and/or physical functional. Common motor symptoms include slowed movement (known as bradykinesia), postural rigidity (resulting in balance decrement) and tremor at rest. Nonmotor symptoms can include fatigue, cognitive deficit/dementia and autonomic/enteric nervous system dysfunction. The primary methods of management for PD include a variety of medications and exercise.

    Exercise has been shown to be one of the most effective methods for managing PD and can result in slowed progression of the disease, improvement in motor and nonmotor control, and improved quality of life. Common exercise programs for PD include aerobic activity, resistance training, flexibility, and neuromotor exercise such as boxing, dance, tai chi or yoga. Recently, high-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to have equal or greater improvements compared to moderate-intensity exercise for persons with PD and should be considered as a programming option for exercise professionals.

    What is HIIT training?

    HIIT is a time-efficient training method that uses a combination of short-duration, higher-intensity intervals followed by recovery intervals at longer duration and lower intensity at repeat frequencies. Typical intensities for HIIT include 85-95% age-predicted heart rate maximum (APHRM). Intensity of programming is relative to each person and does not always have to be “high skill” activities such as sprinting. For instance, a person with PD may be able to achieve APHRM within HIIT ranges by increasing treadmill walking speeds by 20% (referred to as forced intensity) and returning to a lower workload for recovery. People with earlier-onset PD or less severe cases will be able to perform higher skill activities such as treadmill running. HIIT can also be performed on a stationary cycle or seated rower if balance decrements exist.

    Is HIIT beneficial for people with PD?

    Recent research indicates that HIIT may contribute to greater neurogenesis in people with PD at a higher magnitude when compared to moderate- or low-intensity exercise. HIIT may increase hippocampal activity of the brain, which is associated with improved mood, memory and cognition; these in turn are linked to slowed progression of dementia. When activated, the hippocampus may also secrete greater amounts of brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF). BDNF may be associated with growth of new neurons and improved neural function in the aforementioned areas of the brain. Additionally, HIIT training can result in greater dopamine production and receptor sensitivity, which has been shown to improve motor control both during exercise and a few hours following the exercise session. This carryover effect can be neuroprotective in nature for people with PD and contributes to greater motor control and improved physical function following a HIIT session. Other benefits associated with HIIT in PD include improvements in aerobic and muscular fitness that is similar to gains made in people without PD.

    Programming HIIT for people with PD

    When considering HIIT training for clients with PD, the exercise professional must consider the following:

    • Disease variability Motor and nonmotor symptoms may fluctuate daily or session by session. Be sure to be flexible with HIIT programming based on how a person is feeling that day.
    • Medications — Different medications can cause adverse effects or complicate tolerance and adherence to exercise. PD medications can have on-off fluctuations with motor control and may cause dyskinesia (uncontrolled and involuntary movements) when taken long term.
    • Cognitive function — Many people with PD may experience cognitive deficit. The exercise professional needs to keep instructions simple and allot time to repeat instructions throughout the session, if necessary.
    • Fitness level — People with PD who have earlier onset of disease or have greater initial fitness can typically participate in more aggressive HIIT programs. In the case of lower fitness or more severe PD, HIIT programming will start more conservatively and progress as tolerated.
    • Session timing — Exercise professionals need to ask the client how they are feeling prior to the exercise session. It is recommended that HIIT training be performed at a time of day when the client “feels best” or typically experiences the fewest motor symptoms.

    Exercise professionals must educate the client on the benefits of HIIT and never force a mode of exercise on a person that they may not be interested in participating in. If complications arise, the exercise professionals must communicate efficiently with physicians, care team members and caregivers. HIIT training should not replace other modes or intensities of exercise but needs to be considered when working with people who are managing PD through exercise.

    Additional Resources:
    Blog | Practical Strategies to Implement Parkinson’s Exercise Guidelines
    Infographic | Exercise Recommendations for Parkinson’s Disease
    EIM Handout | Being Active When You Have Parkinson’s Disease

    Related CEC Courses: 
    Coaching HIIT — A Practical Approach to Programming (10 CECs)
    Exercise Guidelines | Parkinson’s Disease (1 CEC)

    Paul Gallo
    Paul M. Gallo, Ed.D., FACSM, ACSM-EP, ACSM-CEP, ACSM-GEI
    , is the director of exercise science and wellness at Norwalk Community College in Norwalk, Connecticut; adjunct faculty at Teachers College Columbia University, in New York City; and a past president of ACSM’s New England Chapter. Dr. Gallo is the chair of ACSM’s CCRB-Continuing Professional Education Subcommittee, associate editor-in-chief of ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® and associate editor for the Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology. He strongly believes in the importance of translating science to evidence-based practice within the health-fitness and exercise science fields.

  • 2023 ACSM Annual Meeting Highlighted Sessions in Clinical Exercise Physiology

    by Caitlin Kinser | Apr 19, 2023

    765x370 2023 annual meeting_CEPAs the topical representative for Clinical Exercise Physiology, it is my pleasure to highlight some of the exciting sessions at the 2023 Annual Meeting that will be held in Denver, CO.  

    Our Highlighted Symposium this year is titled “Lactate in Health and Disease: The Renaissance Metabolite” and is Friday, June 2nd at 9:30AM (All times listed in Mountain Daylight Time). Lactate has historically been a popular topic and in recent years has reemerged for its clinical implications role in regulating metabolism as it relates to health and disease. This session includes a great lineup of speakers and is being organized by Joe Houmard, Ph.D., FACSM, and Nick Broskey, Ph.D. from East Carolina University. The session will include talks by Bruce Gladden, Ph.D., FACSM, Auburn University (Evolution of Blood Lactate as a Predictor of Health), Nick Broskey, Ph.D., East Carolina University (Lactate as a Predictor of Metabolic Disease), George Brooks, Ph.D., FACSM, University of California-Berkeley (Role of the Postdrianial and other Lactate Shuttles in Metabolic Regulation), and Inigo San Millan, Ph.D., University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (Lactate and Health: Lessons Learned from Elite Athletes to Apply to Clinical Populations). We look forward to an informative session on this important and relevant topic.   

    As hypertension continues to have widespread public health impacts, Dr. Katharine Currie will lead a symposium on “The Role of Exercise Blood Pressure in Hypertension:  Measurement, Mechanisms, and Management” with talks by Dr. Martin Shultz, Dr. Phillip Millar, and Dr. Linda Pescatello, FACSM that will begin at 3:45PM on Thursday, June 1st. This session will not only overview current knowledge on exercise for hypertension but will also cover the use of exercise testing for identifying individuals at risk for hypertension.   

    In addition to these wonderful sessions there will be a session on the Professionalization of the Clinical Exercise Physiologist (Tuesday May 30th 2:10PM; sponsored by Exercise is Medicine) and a session on Implementing Exercise Testing and Physical Activity in Pediatric Clinics (Friday, June 2nd,4:55PM), along with several poster sessions spread throughout the week. A pre-recorded Colloquium on Employer and Colleague Expectations of the Exercise Professional will also be available following the meeting.  

    We look forward to a fabulous 2023 ACSM Annual Meeting and it is my hope that you will find these sessions informative, thought provoking and will foster opportunities for those interested in Clinical Exercise Physiology to connect and network.   

  • 2023 ACSM Annual Meeting Highlighted Sessions in Exercise is Medicine

    by Caitlin Kinser | Apr 17, 2023
    765x370 2023 annual meeting_EIM

    It is our pleasure to serve as the ACSM topical representatives for Exercise is Medicine (EIM), which focuses on work examining the integration of physical activity into health settings and the referral of physically inactive patients to community-based resources. The World Congress on EIM formally starts with the Morris/Paffenbarger EIM Keynote Lecture (Wednesday, May 31st from 10:40-11:55 a.m.) given by Janet Fulton, Ph.D., FACSM on “The Evolving Science of Step Counts: What is my Device Telling me about my Health?” This keynote presentation will be followed by an update on the successful implementation of physical activity into the healthcare sector under The National Physical Activity Plan (Thursday, June 1st from 8:25-9:15 a.m.). In addition to these presentations, we would like to highlight three other sessions that may be of particular interest to conference attendees.  

    The first is a highlighted symposium entitled, “Physical Activity & Age-Related Cognitive Function.” This translational symposium session, featuring experts in older adults and physical activity from the U.S., Europe, Australia, and Asia, is scheduled for Wednesday, May 31st from 3:45-5:45 p.m. The panel will discuss the latest research being conducted in the field of physical activity and aging, including the public health epidemiology of age-related cognitive decline and associations with physical activity, underlying biological mechanisms, and emerging evidence on the impact of both aerobic and strength/high intensity interventions on cognitive decline.  

    The second tutorial lecture we would like to highlight is entitled, “Exercise is Medicine for Children and Adolescents: Experience in a Healthcare System.” This session, led by  ACSM Past-President Elizabeth Joy, M.D., FACSM, is scheduled for Tuesday, May 30th from 3:15 -4:05 p.m. The self-reported nature of the Physical Activity Vital Sign (PAVS) makes collecting information on physical activity levels in younger children challenging. Intermountain Healthcare developed and integrated a pediatric PAVS into the EHR as a part of clinical practice in 2016. This presentation will provide an overview of how physical activity is assessed in children and adolescents in pediatric care at Intermountain Health and describe the physical activity behaviors of these patients with respect to their demographic characteristics. 

    The final tutorial lecture that we would like to highlight is entitled, “Collaborating from Clinics to Community: Advancing Health Equity through Physical Activity,” and features faculty from the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, as well as the Executive Director of the Eldon & Elsie Ward Family YMCA of Central Ohio. This session, scheduled for Thursday, June 1st (4:55 – 5:45 p.m.) will describe the process, outcomes, challenges, and successes of building out a physician referral platform in the electronic medical record and partnering directly with the YMCA to provide a community-based health education and exercise program in a community that has been underinvested in for many years due to structural racism. 

    Other key sessions to keep an eye for include a symposium on the implementation of EIM in four different international health settings (Tuesday, May 30th, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.), symposiums describing the future role of exercise professionals working in coordination with physicians, multiple EIM On Campus sessions, and an EIM poster session (Wednesday, May 31st from 9:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.).

    Join Us at the ACSM Annual Meeting

  • Active Voice | Women in the Workforce — How Can We Mitigate Occupational Risk in Physically Demanding Professions?

    by Greg Margason | Apr 11, 2023
    Women in the Workforce — How Can We Mitigate Occupational Risk

    Women are increasingly filling work roles that were previously dominated by men. While a larger proportion of military service members, law enforcement officers, health care workers and aviators continue to be men, women in these trades experience occupational hazards differently than their male counterparts. 

    As a profession, we have already seen similar findings within athletics. Female athletes are more prone to bony stress injuries, knee injuries and other musculoskeletal injuries than male athletes competing in the same sports. By understanding these injury patterns, we, as sports medicine professionals, have been able to utilize education, training and equipment to mitigate injury risk. 

    Given female representation in previously male-dominated careers is increasing, we can apply these lessons learned to the occupational work environment. But first, we need to be asking similar questions. Are women in previously male-dominated and/or manually intensive professions at increased risk for specific musculoskeletal injuries? Are these women experiencing different environmental exposures, work hazards and/or occupational challenges than men in the same work settings? The short answer is “yes.” 

    Our article, published in the April 2023 issue of Current Sports Medicine Reports, sought to answer these questions. We identified and collated available information regarding occupational injury and environmental exposure risk data for women working in stereotypically male-dominated fields. Although there is limited available data in some cases specific to these populations, what has been published presents a compelling argument that sex differences in occupational risk exist. Women in these historically male-dominated fields experience different musculoskeletal injury risks, environmental exposures, equipment-related issues, reproductive and urogynecologic challenges, and operational stressors than men. A similar literature review, published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® in April 2022, discussed how physiologic differences between sexes led to different physical and physiologic work-related stress and injury patterns among female servicemembers compared to male servicemembers. Despite these differences noted in this and our review, women demonstrate increasing levels of success in these demanding environments with appropriate health promotion strategies. 

    Given the unique perspective of sports medicine as a profession, answering these questions also allows us opportunities to develop and implement work-related injury prevention, rehabilitation and performance-optimization strategies specific to women working in these nontraditional professions. We intend for this article to highlight the need for increased sex-specific research into occupational and environmental risks for women in nontraditional work settings. We also hope this serves to introduce and broaden a necessary conversation on how we, as a profession, can influence the safe advancement of women in the workforce. 

    Disclaimer: The views expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official policy of the Department of the Army, Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.  

    Briana Lindberg
    Briana Lindberg, M.D., CAQSM
    , is a primary care sports medicine physician and member of ACSM. She recently graduated from the National Capital Consortium’s Military Primary Care Sports Medicine fellowship program and currently serves as core teaching faculty within the Womack Army Medical Center Family Medicine Residency Program in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Her current position allows her unique opportunities to follow her passion of utilizing preventive sports medicine education and training to mitigate injury risk and promote rapid return to duty in military warfighters, with a particular emphasis on the female warrior athlete. 

    Caitlyn Rerucha
    Caitlyn Rerucha, M.D., MSEd, FAAFP, CAQSM
    , is a primary care sports medicine physician and member of ACSM. She is an assistant professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the Uniformed Services University in Bethesda, Maryland. She is a graduate of the National Capital Consortium’s Military Primary Care Sports Medicine fellowship program and currently serves as the first female active-duty military physician with 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) with a focus on optimization of human performance and wellness for special operators. 

    Viewpoints presented in ACSM Bulletin commentaries reflect opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent positions or policies of ACSM. Active Voice authors who have received financial or other considerations from a commercial entity associated with their topic must disclose such relationships at the time they accept an invitation to write for the ACSM Bulletin. 

  • Exercise, Sport, and Movement Publishes First Article: Graphical Review

    by Caitlin Kinser | Mar 30, 2023

    Here we are in early 2023, and Exercise, Sport, and Movement (ESM) is beginning to roll. ESM came into existence at the start of 2022—we put together an editorial team in the late spring and summer, and we began accepting submissions in the early fall. It has been a whirlwind, yet we met our initial goal of publishing at least one paper before the end of 2022, thanks to Stu Phillips and colleagues! As ESM moves into its second year of existence, our editorial team is busy getting papers reviewed, our managing editor is moving accepted papers through to production to get them published, and now with multiple published articles, ESM is beginning to take its place among other ACSM journals as a go-to publication outlet, particularly for those needing or wanting their research in an open-access journal.

    We are excited that ESM’s first published paper was a graphical review. Graphical reviews are a unique feature of ESM, shepherded by one of the journal’s esteemed associate editors, Dr. L. Bruce Gladden, who conceived the idea while he was Editor-in-Chief of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. I am forever grateful to Dr. Gladden for bringing his expertise and passion for graphical reviews to ESM. While they do include text as well, graphical reviews tell a story with images. Authors use two to four cleverly designed graphics to convey a concept or idea, appealing to a wide, non-specialist audience. In his own words, Dr. Gladden discusses the value and uniqueness of graphical reviews: “Graphical reviews are a type of review structure that summarizes an area in a way that is easily accessible to both students and established researchers who are new to a field. Additionally, I think the illustrative nature of these reviews will make them extremely useful to educators who may want to integrate them into their lectures.”

    ESM’s first graphical review by Dr. Phillips and colleagues presents evidence that resistance training (RT) can elicit similar health benefits to aerobic training (AT). The review emphasizes that RT benefits can be achieved by lifting lighter weights rather than only heavier weights, and that combining RT and AT may yield greater health benefits than performing either exercise exclusively. Excitingly, this paper has garnered a lot of attention, especially on social media, which might speak to the broad appeal of graphical reviews.

    infographic illustrating impact of resistance training to enhance physical function, quality of life, and cancer survivorship.

    The early interest in ESM has been strong, which portends great things to come. We are ready to publish many more articles in 2023 and beyond.

    Learn more about ESM and submit your article

    Check out all ESM articles

    Gary LiguoriGary Liguori, Ph.D., FACSM, is the Provost and Senior Vice President at the University of West Florida in Pensacola, Florida. He is the inaugural Editor-in-Chief of ACSM’s new open access journal, Exercise, Sport, and Movement.
