New Exam Prep Tool for the ACSM-CPT

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New Exam Prep Tool for the ACSM-CPT

Dec. 8, 2020

December 8 What's New_Exam Prep ToolStrengthen your exam prep with a new and unique, interactive review resource. ACSM's Certified Personal Trainer Digital Flash Cards provide the perfect quick-drill review to help confidently prepare for the ACSM Certified Personal Trainer® exam. A few benefits include:

  • Definition cards reinforce key vocabulary with a simple click.
  • Labeling cards help you quickly gauge your understanding of anatomical and physiological concepts through “hotspot” and dropdown labeling exercises.
  • Multiple choice cards test students’ recall of correct procedures and techniques, with questions based on written scenarios and video clips.

Faculty members, are you interested in incorporating this new resource in your program? Contact your local educational rep for options.

Access digital flash cards now