NEW! Research Development Competiton

The Greater New York Regional Chapter ACSM
Announces the
2022 Annual Spring Meeting
Call for Abstracts

To be presented
Saturday, April 9th 2022
NYU Langone Health
550 First Ave., New York, NY 10016

Abstract Submission Process:
All students who are enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program
at the time of the 2022 Annual 
Spring Meeting are invited to submit an
abstract for one of 4 categories.

There will be a $500 cash 
award for the winner in each category.

Categories Include:

1. Undergraduate Research
2. Graduate Research
3. Undergraduate Case Study
4. Graduate Case Study

Deadline for Submission: March 25, 2022

Notification of Acceptance: March 31, 2022

Abstract submission, or any formatting, technical, or abstract-related questions
must be 
emailed to 

Rules for Submission (Check all items before submission):
1. Prior to the conference, any abstract previously presented (other than at their institution) or
published by any print or online publication, will be deemed ineligible for submission.
2. Only ONE submission is allowed per author designated the lead, primary, or first listed author.
While coauthors are permitted to submit multiple abstracts, the lead author must be the presenter
and submit to questions from conference judges.
3. All studies must comply with respective human (IRB) or animal (IACUC) guidelines, in
accordance with the ACSM statement for Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise ®.
Please see the Attached Addendum

Abstract Submission Format & Preparation:

Abstract submissions that do not follow the submission guidelines may be

rejected. Abstracts that do not meet scientific or editorial standards will not be accepted.
1. The type of research conducted by the student must align with the mission of ACSM, which is to:
“…advance and integrate scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of
exercise science and sports medicine”. Examples of topics (aligned with National) are included
below, for both applied and clinical.
2. All wording should be in English utilizing; correct spelling, grammar, and proper contextual word
usage. All acronyms are required to be first fully defined at least once within the body of the
abstract prior to any other uses (the title is unnecessary). No brand names are permitted within
the submitted abstract. All abstract submissions must follow formats demonstrated in the
examples below.
3. There is a strict 2000 character limit for the abstract’s main body (not including
spaces / title/subheadings/author block).
4. The title of the abstract is limited to 15 words.
5. The body of the abstract MUST include the following sections: PURPOSE, METHODS,
RESULTS, CONCLUSION (see the example abstracts below for clarification)
6. Include the names, institutional affiliations, and emails of all authors. Names should include full
first name, middle initial (optional), & full last name. DO NOT list degrees, certifications, or
departments. LIST ALL ACSM Fellow(s), sponsorship, funding, grants, subsidies, or ANY
conflict(s) of interest.
7. Reference citations, photos, illustrations, graphs, tables, charts, etc. are NOT permitted within
the abstract’s text, but should be available upon Research Committee request or in the slide

Award Selection Criteria for Abstract Evaluation and Presentation

*These judging criteria are consistent with those used
to judge the national-level competition*
1. Significance: How well the project relates to the mission statement of ACSM, which is to “advance
and integrate scientific research to provide educational and practical applications of exercise
science and sports medicine.”
2. Innovation: The novelty of the project, especially relating to the use of new methodologies,
studying of under investigated populations and/or addressing emerging problems relating to
exercise and sports medicine.
3. Research Design: The ability of the methodologies used to address the research question and
hypothesis. Additionally, the appropriate use of experimental design and statistics to test
the hypothesis.
4. Ability to Respond to Questions: Ability of the student to demonstrate knowledge of the literature
related to their field of study as well as demonstrate critical thinking for future studies.
5. Poster Design and Presentation Skills: Clarity of the poster and description of research project.
Conference Awards for Invited Poster Presentations
ALL presenters will each receive a full complement of CECs / CEUs for the entire day’s
attendance along with their given presentations. Additionally, presenters will receive a
one-year ACSM-GNYRC Membership. Regional conference registration fee will be waived for
all scheduled invited attending presenters with free breakfast & lunch provided on site.


Fitness Assessment, Exercise Training, and Performance of Athletes and Healthy
People Cardiovascular, Renal, and Respiratory Physiology
Skeletal Muscle, Bone, and Connective Tissue
Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Physical Activity / Health Promotion Interventions
Metabolism and Nutrition
Psychology, Behavior, and Neurobiology
Environmental and Occupational Physiology
Immunology / Genetics / Endocrinology
Athlete Care and Clinical Medicine
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Exercise as Medicine
Basic Science of Muscle Hypertrophy & Atrophy
Other [ Subject to Research Committee Approval ]


General Medicine
Head, Neck, and Spine
Age and Gender Specific Issues
Other [ Subject to Research Committee Approval ]


Mechanisms Underlying Age-Related Changes in Skin Vasodilation During Local Heating
C T Minson, L A Holowatz, W L Kenney FACSM, B J Wong, B W Wilkins.
University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, Penn State University, University Park, PA
The skin blood flow (SkBF) response to local heating is reduced in healthy older (O) vs. young (Y) subjects; however, the mechanisms that underlie these age-related changes are unclear. Local skin heating causes a bimodal rise in SkBF involving at least two independent mechanisms: an initial peak mediated by axon reflexes and a secondary slower rise to a plateau which is mediated by the local production of nitric oxide (NO).
PURPOSE: To determine the altered mechanism(s) underlying the attenuated SkBF response to local heating in aged skin.
METHODS: Two microdialysis fibers were placed in the ventral skin of the forearm of 10 Y (22+2 yrs) and 10 O (77+5 yrs) subjects. SkBF over each site was measured by laser-Doppler flowmetry as the skin over both sites was heated to 42° C for ~60 min. At one site, 1OmM L-NAME was infused throughout the protocol to inhibit NO-Synthase (NOS). At the second site L-NAME was infused after 40 min of local heating. Cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC) was calculated as flux/mean arterial pressure and scaled as % maximal CVC (infusion of 50mM sodium nitroprusside). Age comparisons were made using two-way ANOVA with repeatedmeasures.
RESULTS: Maximal CVC was reduced in the O (l56+15 vs. 192+12 mV/mmHg, p<0.05), as were the initial peak (46+4 vs. 61+2% max, p<0.05) and plateau (82+5 vs. 93+2%, p<0.05) responses. The decline in CVC withNOS inhibition during the plateau phase was similar in the Y and O groups but the  peak was significantly lower in O when NOS was inhibited prior to local heating (38+5 vs. 52+4%, p<0.05).
CONCLUSION: Age-related changes in both axon reflex-mediated and NO-mediated vasodilation contribute to the diminished vasodilator response to local heating in aged skin.
Supported by NIH Grant ROI AG07004.
[ The CONCLUSION should frame the discussion based on and keeping within the results.
They are not repetitious, but rather intended to address said results in a more literary,
meaningful, and broader contextual summary. ]


Neck Injury — Football [ Presenting Issue — Activity ]

S M Tanner, University of Colorado Sports Medicine Center, Denver, CO Sponsored Fellow: William O. Roberts, 
HISTORY: A 17-year-old senior high school football defensive cornerback sustained a neck injury while tackling. During the third quarter of a midseason game, he unintentionally used a spearing technique for a successful tackle. As he drove his head into a ball carrier’s chest, his neck was forced into flexion and he developed moderate posterior neck pain. There was no numbness, tingling, weakness or radiation of pain into his upper extremities. Three tackles later, 11 plays later, and during the fourth quarter, he reported his neck pain to the athletic trainer.
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: Examination on the sidelines revealed moderate tenderness over the spinous processes of C6-T1, mild tenderness of the adjacent paraspinal muscles bilaterally and normal sensation, reflexes and strength of his upper extremities. There was full active range of motion of his neck but flexion and extension were painful. Over the next hour, his neck progressively became stiffer, but he had no neurological
symptoms or signs.
1. Strain of cervical paraspinal muscles
2. Fracture of the cervical spine
3. Cervical sprain
Cervical spine anterior-posterior and lateral radiographs:
— obliquely horizontal fracture of C7 spinous process with 1/2 cm displacement of fracture fragments — 2 mm of forward subluxation of C6 vertebral body relative to C7 vertebral body
Lateral cervical spine radiographs with neck actively flexed and extended:
— no further subluxation of C6 vertebrae
— increased distraction of spinous fracture fragments with neck flexion
Cervical spine oblique radiographs:
— normal orientation of facets and pedicles
Clay-shoveler’s fracture (avulsion fracture of spinous process of C7)
1. Immobilization with Philadelphia collar for 6 weeks.
2. Repeat active extension and flexion radiographs at 3 and 6 weeks post-injury showed no delayed increase
in stability.
3. Neck isometric exercises started 3 weeks post injury.
4. Range of motion and neck strengthening exercises started 6 weeks post injury.
5. Returned to sports 3 months post injury when he had full, painless range of motion, normal strength and able to meet the demands of his sport.

Technical Guidelines

Terminology and Units of Measurement

To promote consistency and clarity of communication, authors should use standard terms generally acceptable to the field of exercise science and sports medicine. The units of measurement shall be Système International d'Unités (SI). Permitted exceptions to SI are heart rate—beats per minute (bpm); blood pressure—mm Hg; gas pressure—mm Hg. When expressing compound units of measurement, authors must locate the raised dot midway between lines to avoid confusion with periods; for example, mL·min-1·kg-1. The basic and derived units most commonly used in reporting research in this journal include the following: mass—gram (g) or kilogram (kg); force—newton (N); distance—meter (m), kilometer (km); temperature— degree Celsius (°C); energy, heat, work—joule (J) or kilojoule (kJ); power—watt (W); torque—newton-meter (N·m); frequency—hertz (Hz); pressure—pascal (Pa); time—second (s), minute (min), hour (h); volume— liter (L), milliliter (mL); and amount of a particular substance—mole
(mol), millimole (mmol). Selected conversion factors: 1 N = 0.102 kg (force); 1 J = 1 N·m = 0.000239
kcal = 0.102 kg·m; 1 kJ = 1000 N·m = 0.239 kcal = 102 kg·m; 1 W = 1 J·s-1 = 6.118 kg·m·min-1.

Sample Size

Authors should justify the adequacy of their sample size by providing calculations regarding the
power of their statistical tests. While there are different approaches that authors may take in
performing these calculations, the book by Cohen is recommended as an appropriate starting point [
Cohen J. Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. 2nd ed. Hillsdale (NJ): Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates; 1988. 567 p. ].

Formulas and Equations

Simple in-text formulas and equations should be presented in a single line:
M = (a + b)/(x + y). More complex equations should be set displayed, and, if referenced in text, shall
have an equation number:
[1] All unusual
characters must be accompanied by a definition or explanation.


Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® accepts electronic file artwork only. Captions are
required for all figures and shall appear on a separate page at the end of the manuscript.
Guidelines (
• Each figure should be saved as a separate file without captions. Any figure with multiple
parts should be sent as one file with each part labeled the way it is to appear in print.
• Files should be saved as and submitted in .tif or .eps format—jpeg, .gif, or files downloaded
from the internet are not acceptable due to low resolution.
• Black-and-white line art should be saved at 900–1200 dpi (dots per inch) resolution
with monochrome, 1-bit color mode.
• Photographs, CT scans, radiographs, etc. should be saved at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
• Combination photo–line art and grayscale images should be saved at 600–900 dpi. • Color
images should be scanned in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) mode. Do not submit any
figures in RGB (red, green, blue) mode.
• Lettering (symbols, letters, and numbers) should be between 8 and 12 points, with
consistent spacing and alignment. Font face maybe serif (Times Roman) or sans serif
• Line width should be ¾ point or greater.
• Any extra white or black space surrounding the image should be cropped. Ensure that subject
identifying information (i.e., faces, names, or any other identifying features) is cropped or
opaque. • Artwork should be submitted in final size and should be cropped and rotated as it will
appear in the final printed piece.
• Tables should be double-spaced and designed to fit a one-column width (3¼ inches) or a
two-column width (7 inches) on a single page. Large, multipage tables are candidates for
supplemental digital content (SDC).
• Each table shall have a brief caption; explanatory matter should be in footnotes below the
table. • The table shall contain means and the units of variation (SD, SE, etc.) and must be
free of nonsignificant decimal places.
• Abbreviations used in tables must be consistent with those used in the text and figures.
Definition symbols should be listed in the order of appearance, determined by reading
horizontally across the table and should be identified by standard symbols.

Supplemental Digital Content (SDC)

Authors may submit supplemental digital content (SDC) that enhances their article's text via Editorial
Manager. SDC may include standard media such as text documents, graphics, audio, video, etc. On
the Attach Files page of the submission process, please select Supplemental Audio, Video, or Data
for your uploaded file as the Submission Item. If an article with SDC is accepted, production staff will
create a URL with the SDC file. The URL will be placed in the call-out within the article. SDC files are
not copy-edited by LWW staff; they will be presented digitally as submitted. SDC content will appear
online only and will not appear in print. For a list of all available file types and detailed instructions,
please visit Please note that SDC should not include cover letters to the
editor, forms required by the editorial office, or items required in the manuscript file.

SDC Callouts

Supplemental digital content must be cited consecutively in the text of the submitted manuscript.
Citations should include the type of material submitted (Audio, Figure, Table, etc.), be clearly labeled
as "Supplemental Digital Content," include the sequential list number, and provide a description of the
supplemental content. All descriptive text should be included in the call-out as it will not appear
elsewhere in the article.
Example: We performed many tests on the degrees of flexibility in the elbow (see Video,
Supplemental Digital Content 1, which demonstrates elbow flexibility) and found our results

List of Supplemental Digital Content

A listing of Supplemental Digital Content must be submitted at the end of the manuscript file. Include
the SDC number and file type of the Supplemental Digital Content. This text will be removed by our
production staff and not be published.
Example: Supplemental Digital Content 1. wmv

SDC File Requirements

All acceptable file types are permissible up to 10 MB. For audio or video files greater than 10 MB,
authors should first query the journal office for approval. For a list of all available file types and
detailed instructions, please visit

Human & Animal Experimentation Policy Statements

Failure to comply with the guidelines that follow and to guarantee such conformance by a
statement in the manuscript will result in rejection of the manuscript.
Studies and case reports involving the use of human subjects shall conform to the policy statement
regarding the use of human subjects and written informed consent as published by Medicine &
Science in Sports & Exercise®. All studies involving animal experimentation shall be conducted in
conformance with the policy statement of the American College of Sports Medicine on research with
experimental animals as published by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®.

Policy Statement Regarding the Use of Human Subjects and Informed Consent

By law, any experimental subject or clinical patient who is exposed to possible physical,
psychological, or social injury must give informed consent prior to participating in a proposed
project. Informed consent can be defined as the knowing consent of an individual or his legally
authorized representative so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice without undue
inducement or any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, or other form of constraint or coercion.

The Editorial Board of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® requires that all appropriate steps be

taken in obtaining the informed consent of any and all human subjects employed by investigators
submitting manuscripts for review and possible publication. In most cases, written informed consent
should be obtained by having the subject read a document (an Informed Consent Form) presenting
all information pertinent to the investigation or project and affixing a signature indicating that the
document has been read and consent given to participation under the conditions described therein.
In some cases, usually when risks to subjects are very low (e.g., survey research), the Institutional
Review Board of record may approve the conduct of the investigation and declare the study to be
exempt from the usual requirement of obtaining written informed consent, in lieu of obtaining the
participants’ verbal consent to participate. Information presented at the time of consent should be
provided in a way that it is easily understood by the subjects and provided in a language in which the
subjects are fluent.

Investigators are requested to consider the following items for inclusion in an Informed Consent

Form, or process, as appropriate to the particular project:
• A general statement of the background of the project and the project objectives. • A fair
explanation of the procedures to be followed and their purposes, identification of any
procedures that are experimental, and description of any and all risks attendant to the
procedures. • A description of any benefits to be reasonably expected and, in the case of
treatment, disclosure of any appropriate alternative procedures that might be advantageous to
the subject.
• An offer to answer any queries of the subject concerning procedures or other aspects of the
project. • An instruction that the subject is free to withdraw consent and to discontinue
participation in the project or activity at any time without prejudice to the subject.
• An instruction that, in the case of questionnaires and interviews, the subject is free to deny
answer to specific items or questions.
• An instruction that, if services or treatment are involved in the setting or context of the project,
they will be neither enhanced nor diminished as a result of the subject’s decision to volunteer
or not to volunteer participation in the project.
• An explanation of the procedures to be taken to ensure the confidentiality of the data and
information to be derived from the subject. If subjects are to be identified by name in the
manuscript, permission for same should be obtained in the Informed Consent Form or
obtained in writing at a later date.
If the subject is to be videotaped or photographed in any manner, this must be disclosed in the
Informed Consent Form. The subject must be advised as to who will have custody of such
videotapes or photographs, who will have access to the tapes or photographs, how the tapes or
photographs are to be used, and what will be done with them when the study is completed.
The informed consent document, or process, shall not contain any exculpatory language or any other
waiver of legal rights releasing, or appearing to release, an investigator, project director, or institution
from liability. If a consent form is used, at the bottom of the form, provision shall be made for the
signature of the subject (and / or a legally authorized representative) and the date. It is generally
advisable to precede this with a statement to the effect that the subject and/or representative have
read the statement and understand it. In the case of minors, one or both parents should sign (as
appropriate). For minors of sufficient maturity, signatures should be obtained from the subject and
the parent(s).

The Editorial Board endorses the Declaration of Helsinki of the World Medical Association as

regards the conduct of clinical research. Physicians are expected to comply with the principles set
forth in this declaration when research involves the use of patients. In the case of psychological
research, investigators will be expected to comply with the principles established by the American
Psychological Association (Ethical Principles in the Conduct of Research with Human Participants.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association; 1982). The use of subjects should be
approved by an ethics committee prior to the investigation and shall be stated in the Methods
section of the submitted manuscript.

It will not be necessary for an author to describe in the manuscript the specific steps that were taken

to obtain informed consent, to ensure confidentiality of results, or to protect the privacy rights of
participating subjects. It will be satisfactory for the author to indicate that, “informed consent was
obtained from the subject,” or by similar wording. Manuscripts reporting research approved for
conduct as exempt from the requirement for obtaining written informed consent should identify the
specific Institutional Review Board of record that made that determination. It will be understood by
the editors that such a statement indicates the author’s guarantee of compliance with the directives
presented above.

Policy Statement of the American College of Sports Medicine on Research with Experimental

The ability of science to enhance the well-being of humans and animals depends directly on
advancements made possible by research, much of which requires the use and availability of
experimental animals. Therefore, all who propose to use animals for research, education, or testing
purposes must assume the responsibility for their general welfare. It is essential to recognize and
to appreciate that the intent of scientific research is to provide results that will advance knowledge
for the general and specific benefits of humans and animals. To accomplish these goals, the
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) will support research of high scientific merit that
includes the use of experimental animals.
Before the College will consider supporting research projects, the College must receive written
assurances from the institution that the policies and procedures detailed by the Institute for
Laboratory Animal Research (Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1996) and proclaimed in the Animal Welfare Act (PL89-544, PL91-979, and PL94-279) are policies of the institution. Furthermore, ACSM endorses the rules, procedures, and
recommendations for the care of laboratory animals as advocated by the American Association for
Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC). Support for research and publication of
research findings by ACSM require that the institution where the research was conducted confirm it
has filed a National Institutes of Health assurance and/or has AAALAC approved facilities.