
Upcoming Events

SWACSM Annual Meeting
October 25th -26th, 2024  
Orange County, California   

Trending News

Announcing the Brent Ruby “Outside of the Lab” Award! See attached document for details. 


ACSM Faculty Newsletter
Click HERE for the most recent issue of ACSM’s Faculty Newsletter which features regional chapter meetings & involvement.

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The University of New Mexico is now accepting applications for an open position in our Exercise Science program; the appointment starts in August 2024.  We are looking for an Assistant/Associate Professor in Exercise Science who has a clinical background as well as expertise in exercise testing and prescription. Please click HERE for more details.

ACSM Aging Interest Group/Strategic Health Initiative on Aging 2023 Student and Post-Doctoral Fellow Research Awards.  More information can be found in the document below. 
Watch Dr. Sarah Camhi's Brown Bag Series in Science lecture: Metabolically Healthy Obesity: Can We Really Be Obese and Healthy?

Exciting Opportunities in the UNM Exercise Science Program – Academic year 2024-2025 

The UNM Exercise Science Graduate Program is actively seeking motivated and talented doctoral applicants who would enjoy our collegial and collaborative working environment and be an excellent fit for our program. 

We are offering one-year renewable funding, including a stipend, tuition coverage, and health insurance. We are particularly interested in welcoming strong candidates with a passion for the following research areas: 

Environmental and Occupation Physiology (heat and hypoxia) 
Exercise immunology
Cancer Cachexia
Skeletal muscle physiology 
Exercise training protocols 
Aging and sarcopenia 
Special populations (obese, diabetics, heart failure, cancer)
Resistance exercise
Exercise and phototherapy 

 For more details or inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to Dr. Ann Gibson, the graduate program coordinator, at


Job Postings:

The Kinesiology (KINE) Department at California State University, San Bernardino invites applications from a diverse group of qualified individuals for a Palm Desert Campus (PDC) tenure-track position with an expertise in Exercise Science at the Assistant Professor level, with a focus on Biomechanics, Motor Control, and/or Motor Learning to begin August 2023.  Click HERE for more information. 

About Us


As a regional chapter, our primary purpose is to work with the national organization, The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) " promote and integrate scientific research, education, and practical applications of sports medicine and exercise science to maintain and enhance physical performance, fitness, health and quality of life."  The Southwest Regional Chapter of The American College of Sports Medicine includes six states in its permanent charter granted in 1985. The states include: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah.

The primary goals of the SWACSM regional chapter are to:

1) Introduce students to the national organization
2) Provide professional and educational meetings in sports medicine and exercise science on an annual basis.
3) Introduce non-member professionals (Exercise Scientists, Physical Therapists, Physicians, Nurses, Athletic Trainers, Aerobics and Dance Instructors, Personal Trainers, Fitness and Health Instructors) to SWACSM and the ACSM.

Southwest ACSM Chapter Endorses the National ACSM Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

June 2, 2020

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is committed to diversity; we value and seek diverse and inclusive participation within the fields of exercise science and sports medicine. The college promotes expanded diversity in membership, involvement and access to leadership. Diversity within ACSM creates a working and learning atmosphere that encourages varied perspectives and an open exchange of ideas. For more than a decade, ACSM has had a strategic focus on diversity, equity and inclusion within its membership, leadership and educational programming. This includes financial support for the highly successful Leadership and Diversity Training Program that establishes a pathway for underrepresented minority members to enter ACSM leadership positions. Leaders elected to the three diversity, equity and inclusion positions on the ACSM Board of Trustees keenly focus on ensuring that all decisions are made with these issues in mind. ACSM committees such as the Diversity Action, Strategic Health Initiative on Health Equity, Exercise is Medicine® Underserved and Community Health and the Minority Health and Research Special Interest Group are attentive to matters of diversity, equity and inclusion within ACSM, around the U.S. and internationally. However, we know there is more work to be done.

While ACSM is an international organization, today we focus on the racial injustices seen historically and in recent weeks with the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. ACSM leaders and members stand together to speak against the crisis of racial discrimination. We acknowledge this problem has existed since the birth of America when this country was built on the backs of slaves. The treatment of black people in the U.S. has improved, but it is not fully equal to that of whites in several sectors of society. Today, by calling attention to this problem, ACSM is committed to a new focus. This is a social justice problem, and it is a public health problem. By determining whether people can safely be physically active, receive proper nutrition, are provided appropriate health care and have access to other basic human needs that should be afforded to everyone, racial prejudice and discrimination impacts each one of us. Regardless of professional expertise, country of origin, age, gender or race, protection of basic human rights is each person’s responsibility. Today, we have the opportunity to face this challenge together and to use our collective experiences and knowledge to make real and meaningful change. We implore every human to go about their responsibilities and every other aspect of their daily lives, making decisions with social justice in their hearts and minds. The future of a pluralistic and just world depends on it!  

Chapter Sponsors


Conference Exhibitors

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The Southwest Regional Chapter boasts a membership of approximately 1,300 professionals and students. Numerous services are provided by the SWACSM chapter to the region and its members.

- Membership Benefits and Services
- Annual 2-day professional meeting on scientific, clinical, and practical aspects of exercise science and sports medicine
- Biannual newsletter
- Opportunity to submit an abstract for professional presentation at annual meeting
- Career Services and Student Breakfast offered for all students who attend the annual meeting
- Access regional information on internship and graduate programs
- Clinical Health Promotion regional network for students and professionals
- Student Research Awards given based upon peer-reviewed evaluation of a manuscript and slide presentation at SWACSM annual meeting

Professional Member- $35
A professional Member possesses an earned degree in a field related to sports medicine or exercise science, or to those with a degree working in a field related to sports medicine or exercise science.

Student Member - $15
Applies to undergraduate (full load) and graduate students (at least half load) in a field related to sports medicine or exercise science.

Join today

Chapter Leadership


Trevor Gillum

Trevor Gillum Ph.D.

Past President
Jeneviev Roper

Jenevieve Roper

J Bernard University Photo (003)

Jeffrey Bernard, Ph.D.

Member at Large; Abstracts & Awards Committee
Sarah Camhi

Sarah Camhi, Ph.D.

Member at Large; Abstracts & Awards Committee
Zachary Zeigler

Zachary Zeigler, Ph.D.

Member at Large; Communications Committee
Zachary Zenko

Zachary Zenko

Member at Large; Communications Committee

Ann Gibson, Ph.D., FACSM

Regional Chapter Representative

James Navalta, Ph.D., FACSM

Member at Large, Abstracts & Awards Committee

Christian Faltos

Student Representative
CSU, Northridge

Ben Yaspelkis III, Ph.D., FACSM

Executive Director