Exercise and Dietary Protein as Key Strategies for Baby Boomers - CEC Course

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Exercise and Dietary Protein as Key Strategies for Baby Boomers - CEC Course

Ellen Evans Ph.D., FACSM |  June 9, 2020

ACSM Summit 2019ACSM's 2019 International Health & Fitness Summit Video CEC: The Dr. Bortz Lecture: Helping Baby Boomers Stay Functional: Exercise and Dietary Protein as Key Strategies for Body Composition Management and Successful Aging

About the course:

This course includes an online video from ACSM’s Health & Fitness Summit and a corresponding online quiz. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all audio files, quizzes, and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quizzes). 

Available ACSM CECs 3.0

Course Description - Exercise and Dietary Protein as Key Strategies for Body Composition Management and Successful Aging:

This session will explore the important question: is it the load to be moved (body weight) or the ability to move the load (muscle quality) which mainly influences lower extremity physical function?

It will also introduce a paradigm that integrates exercise and nutrition to reduce risks for physical disability in our aging society.

Finally, “take homes” will be provided for the practitioner’s toolkit to enhance the translation of the research into practice.

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