Faculty Positions
Missouri State University is seeking to fill an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science Position.
Southeast Missouri State University is seeking to fill an Assistant Professor of Exercise Science position in the Allied Health, Kinesiology, a Sport Science department.
Arkansas State is seeking to fill two Assistant Professor of Sport Management and Sport Administration positions in the Health, Human Performance, and Sport Sciences Department.
Assistant Professor of Sport Management and Sport Administration (9 months) https://phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe02/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ARKASTAT2&cws=40&rid=34922
Assistant Professor of Sport Management and Sport Administration (9 months) https://phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe02/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=ARKASTAT2&cws=40&rid=34921
Ouachita Baptist University, Huckabee School of Education invites applications for a non-tenure-track position in Kinesiology to begin August 2025. To apply, submit the Faculty Application for Employment with all application requirements to Dr. Terry DeWitt at dewittt@obu.edu. Priority review of completed applications will begin on December 2, but review will continue until the position is filled.
Ouachita Baptist Kinesiology Faculty Search Posting
Oklahoma State University seeks to fill the Head of the School of Kinesiology, Applied Health, and Recreation. Please see the attached flyer for additional information or visit:
OK State Kinesiology Job
The University of Central Arkansas seeks to fill several positions, including Department Chair and Exercise Science and Sport Management faculty.
University of Central Arkansas Department of Exercise Science Positions
The Department of Applied Health Sciences at Baker University invites applications for two full-time, tenure-track positions in the Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science and Public Health programs within the College of Arts and Sciences. Please visit: https://www.bakeru.edu/university-employment/
Research and Post-doctoral Fellowships
The University of Arkansas seeks to fill a doctoral and research-focused master's student assistantship for Fall 2025.
Graduate Assistantship Opportunity
The University of Arkansas Fayetteville’s Exercise Science program seeks Doctoral and research-focused Master’s students for a Graduate Assistantship starting in Fall 2025.
PI: Dr. Kaitlin Gallagher
Research Area: Workplace Biomechanics and Physical Activity
For more information, please get in touch with Dr. Kaitlin Gallagher at kmg014@uark.edu.
Post Doctoral Fellow in the Center for the Study of Obesity within the Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health