Student Knowledge Bowl

Student Knowledge Bowl

Sign Up Here!

The Student Knowledge Bowl is a fun event where teams of students compete for the College Bowl Trophy awarded to the team that collects the most points in a Jeopardy-style competition. The winning team of the regional student quiz bowl is expected to represent the Northwest Chapter at the National ACSM Annual Meeting Student Quiz Bowl. The 2024 National ACSM Annual Meeting is taking place in Boston, MA. The Northwest Chapter will provide up to $750 for the student members of the winning team to represent our Chapter at the national event. It is expected that student groups that sign-up for the Northwest knowledge bowl are willing and able to travel to Boston if they win the event. 

The 2024 Student Knowledge Bowl is being coordinated by your national and regional student representatives on the board. The event will last approximately 90 minutes and the keynote speaker for the meeting will follow the event.

Registration must be submitted by February 12th, 2024 or before 25 teams register, whichever occurs first. There is a $15 fee for teams to sign-up to help cover costs of running and supporting the event, which will be required at the time of sign-up.

Please direct questions, comments, or concerns to