Upcoming ACSM Events
ACSM’s 2024 Annual Meeting
May 28–31, 2024
Boston, MA
Abstract submissions are due on Nov. 29, 2023 at noon PST.
Learn more about other upcoming ACSM Events
2022 Fall Lecture
The 2022 Fall Lecture was a virtual lecture on Thursday, November 8, 2022. A video of the lecture is coming soon!
The speaker was
David O. Garcia, Ph.D., FACSM and the title of his talk was
Advancing Obesity Prevention and Treatment for Hispanic Communities: An Interdisciplinary Approach.

David O. Garcia, Ph.D., FACSM is an Associate Professor in the Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health at the University of Arizona. He has extensive experience in short and long-term intervention trials in the areas of physical activity, diet, and weight management. He received his training from leading institutions and mentors in the field. Dr. Garcia has designed and implemented trials as a lead investigator focused on reducing obesity-related health disparities among Mexican-origin adults. He is among the first to develop a gender and culturally-sensitive weight loss interventions for Hispanic males. More recently, he has focused on examining the prevalence of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and associated risk factors in the U.S.-Mexico border region. He has secured multiple pilot grants to support his research agenda, including an NIH-NIMHD Mentored Research Scientist Development Award to Promote Diversity (K01).
He is also the Director and Founder of "Nosotros Comprometidos a u Salud-Committed to Your Health".
a program developed to foster community-engaged research collaborations, service, and education to advance health equity in Southern Arizona. This community-based effort promotes regular access to
health communications and information, and opportunities to participate in lifestyle interventions
tailored for the Mexican-origin community. Within Nosotros, Dr. Garcia has provided students from
diverse backgrounds with numerous opportunities to engage in various stages of research, including over 70 Hispanic students who previously had not trained in lifestyle and health. The outreach and mentoring efforts of the Nosotros team have grounded his work in trust and community relevance. Over 1,500 participants of Mexican-origin descent have participated in his research studies in the areas of obesity and cancer prevention.
2021 SEACSM Fall Lecture Series
The 2021 Fall lecture series consisted of three virtual lectures "hosted" by institutions in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, but available for all SEACSM members to view live.
- Wednesday, December 8 at 4 pm EST hosted by Dr. Eric Plaisance at University of Alabama Birmingham
- Thursday, December 9 at 4 pm EST hosted by Dr. Katie Davis at Augusta University in Georgia
- Friday, December 10th at 4:00 pm EST hosted by Dr. B. Sue Graves at Florida Atlantic University
The 2021 Fall Lecture Series was coordinated by Shannon Mathis at the University of Alabama in Huntsville.
Eduardo Bustamante, PhD. University of Illinois-Chicago
Physical Activity as Medium—Not Medicine—for Public Health Impact
Through the lens of community-engaged physical activity intervention studies conducted in the UIC Healthy Kids Lab, we will explore how our research team has come to adopt a view of physical activity as “medium,” rather than “medicine.” We will explore how this framing has helped us promote mental health among children and families living in low-income communities; and its implications for overcoming traditional barriers to dissemination and implementation of physical activity interventions that have historically limited public health impact.
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, attendees will attain a novel perspective on physical activity intervention at the individual and group levels. They will be able to define physical activity as medium and understand how embracing physical activity as medium in intervention contexts can improve fit, adoption, and sustainability.