ACSM Journals Continue to Rank High in Journal Citation Reports

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ACSM Journals Continue to Rank High in Journal Citation Reports

July 8, 2022

The American College of Sports Medicine® (ACSM) offers access to cutting-edge research, translational science, relevant clinical reports and evidence-informed practical content for researchers, students, clinicians, those working to improve health outcomes, and health and fitness professionals. 

One measure of the impact of the content ACSM publishes is the Journal Impact FactorTM (JIF) from Clarivate Analytics. Two of the college’s journals, Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews and Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® (MSSE) rank No. 8 and 9, respectively, out of 87 journals in the Sports Sciences category. ACSM journals continue to see significant increases in the JIFs from the previous year: 



2020 JIF

2021 JIF

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise®



Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews



Current Sports Medicine Reports




ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal® also received a JIF of 1.130. ACSM will continue to measure and update key metrics for each journal on the individual journal sites. 

The continued success of ACSM’s journals is the result of the expertise and dedication of the editors-in-chief, associate and section editors, editorial boards, and reviewers. We are grateful for the time they commit to advancing the field and ACSM’s journals, and we deeply value the hard work and integrity of the scientists who choose to submit and publish their work in ACSM’s journals. 

Reminder: As an added benefit, ACSM members receive a discounted submission fee to MSSE and our new open access journal, Exercise, Sport, and Movement

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