Science Spotlight: GSSI Resources and Toolkit
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Science Spotlight: GSSI Resources and Toolkit

Feb. 21, 2023
Science Spotlight

Sport Nutrition Teaching and Practitioner Resources available

The Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) and the GSSI University (GSSIU) program provide educational materials on the topics of sports nutrition and hydration to support instructors in their collegiate courses. All materials can be downloaded except for virtual labs, which can be accessed using GSSI’s learning management platform. Materials on the GSSIU website include: 

  • Lecture decks 

  • Learning activities 

  • Podcasts 

  • Animated videos 

  • Planning aids  

  • Virtual labs 

  • Recorded video lectures by GSSI staff 

  • Associated activities for in-person or virtual use 

Practitioners Sports Nutrition Toolkit

This comprehensive toolkit delivers introductory materials on the fundamental topics in sports nutrition to support best practices for sports nutritionists. The toolkit includes introductory materials covering fundamental sports nutrition topics, including athlete consultations and dietary analysis, nutrition monitoring, nutrition interventions and individualized meal planning. 

The toolkit provides: 

  • Checklists 

  • Decision trees 

  • Assessment worksheets and questionnaires 

  • Templates 

  • Nutritional breakdowns 

  • Supporting research 

The content was authored by GSSI scientists Liam Brown, M.Sc., and Dr. Ian Rollo, Ph.D., with support from Caroline Tarnowski, M.Sc.; Rebecca Randell, Ph.D.; Kevin Luhrs, M.S.; Eric Freese, Ph.D.; Khalil Lee, Ph.D.; and James Carter, Ph.D. View the toolkit