Science Spotlight: Apply for ACSM Fellowship before the 2023 Deadline

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Science Spotlight: Apply for ACSM Fellowship before the 2023 Deadline

July 26, 2023
Science Spotlight

Apply for ACSM Fellowship before Aug. 1 

The 2023 ACSM fellowship deadline is approaching! ACSM fellowship is an elite member status for long-term professional members. To meet the minimum requirements for fellowship, candidates: 

1. Shall have demonstrated high standards of professional development and a commitment to the goals and long-range activities of the college; 

2. Shall have earned a Doctor of Medicine or Osteopathy, Doctor of Dental Surgery, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Education, Doctor of Physical Education, Doctor of Public Health or an equivalent from an accredited college or university; 

3. Shall have been a professional member of the college for at least three consecutive years at the time of application for advancement; 

4. Shall have attended at least two ACSM annual meetings within the last five years; 

5. Shall have submitted a curriculum vitae, including evidence that he or she has fulfilled research or service benchmarks; 

6. Shall have received a recommendation in writing by two fellows of the college; and 

7. Shall have received the approval of the Credentials Committee and the Board of Trustees. The Credentials Committee conducts the initial review of the applications and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees concerning advancement. Reviews are completed twice per year.  

Visit the Fellowship Application website for information on objectives and minimum benchmarks, tips for applying, and further information about the application process. Application deadline: Aug. 1, 2023.