25, 2018
Important insight for the ACSM Personal Trainer Exam and ACSM Exercise Physiologist Exam, from the National Director of ACSM Certification, Francis Neric, along 3 new members studying for these ACSM Certification exams.
Some of the most common questions ACSM receives regarding personal trainer certification are: "which certification is right for me?"; "how long does it take to prepare?", and, "what material should I use to study?" ACSM's National Director of Certification, Francis Neric, will introduce you to three folks who are planning ACSM's exams and document their journey in becoming certified. Francis will also provide you valuable test insight in how to get started.
Special thanks to: Whitney Leyva, Cat Perry, and Jen Aragon
✅ For more information on how to start your ACSM Certification journey, visit us at http://www.acsm.org/get-stay-certified