5 Things You Need to Know | Starting a Strength Program in your Facility

5 Things You Need to Know | Starting a Strength Program in your Facility

Kyle Kercher MS, ACSM-EP, ACSM-CPT, PMP, HWC |  June 21, 2019

Kyle Kercher Strength Conditioning ACSM

If you look out on the fitness floor of your facility you’re bound to find a variety of people who look like they’re going through the motions of exercising. They may be performing the same strength training routine you’ve seen them do for years – bench press, curls, leg extensions and repeat. You’re also likely to see all sorts of random strength training techniques that are missing -things like a full range of motion, proper load selection or controlled tempo. 

What’s clear, whether you are entering a franchised gym or an established fitness center, is that clients are ready for exercise professionals to create more engaging, enjoyable and thoughtful training programs. They are ready to be taught how to use a barbell effectively.

Here are 5 things you need to know about starting a premium strength program for everyday adults:

  1. Value your skills: If you create a valuable program with high-quality coaching, clients will continue to re-enroll and pay a premium price. Learning how to use a barbell is a valuable skillset worth paying for.

  2. Develop a referral program: If you want to build your strength program, you must have a referral program in place. This will enhance word-of-mouth marketing.

  3. Develop a hiring process: Ask you strength coach candidates to demonstrate to your staff how to teach someone to deadlift and squat. You will get a feel for the candidate’s coaching style, knowledge and ability to communicate.

  4. Identify key metrics: Sales and expenses are clear areas to watch, but two of the most important yet less obvious measurables in developing your strength and conditioning program are retention percentage and new clients per enrollment. Build action plans around improving these metrics.

  5. Build relationships: Your program is only going to be as good as the relationships between the coaches and clients. Bring personal trainers or strength and conditioning coaches into your programs who have shown that they can retain clients over the long term. A great relationship builder with a growth mindset  will be critical to client retention and to build your programs.

Ready to learn more? Check out this CEC Course (3 CECs):
Teaching Barbell Movements and Implementing a Premium Strength Program in Your Facility


Kyle Kercher ACSM
Kyle Kercher currently leads a program called Competitive Edge at The Summit Medical Fitness Center in Kalispell, Montana which consists of adult barbell training, a youth training academy, athletic training services and general fitness. He is an ACSM-EP, ACSM-CPT, and Wellcoaches HWC. Kyle graduated from California University of Pennsylvania with his Masters in Exercise Science with a focus in Sport Psychology.