CEC Course | Muscling Up on Mental Illness

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CEC Course | Muscling Up on Mental Illness

Simon Rosenbaum and ACSM |  May 8, 2019
ACSM Mental Illness CEC Course


About the course:

This course includes an online ACSM Partner webinar and a corresponding online quiz. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all webinar videos, quizzes, and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quizzes).

Available ACSM CECs 2.0

Learning Objectives for the CEPA Muscling Up on Mental Illness course:

  • Appreciate the need and opportunities for clinical exercise services in the treatment of a range of mental health disorders including major depressive disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder.
  • Understand the dual role exercise interventions can play in improving both mental and physical health outcomes.
  • Understand the most recent evidence regarding the impact of exercise on mental disorders and opportunities and implications for future translational research.
  • Recognize appropriate evidence-based exercise assessments, components of intervention delivery, program design and examples of referral pathways, including special considerations and potential contraindications to exercise prescription in this population.

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