Fit Feature | 5 Strategies for Success - Thriving Employees, Thriving Businesses

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Fit Feature | 5 Strategies for Success - Thriving Employees, Thriving Businesses

Vanessa M. Kercher, Ph.D., SSC, M.Ed., BESS |  June 5, 2019
ACSM Fit Journal Feature May 2019

Key Points:

1. Recognize culprits of employee dissatisfaction 

2. Identify strategies to drive employee morale and retention

3. Utilize basic strategies to support the needs of employees


What do you and your departmental leaders do to enhance staff retention and drive morale? Lackluster support, not having a voice, and respect not always being reciprocated by leadership are a few culprits of employee dissatisfaction.

Consider the following strategies if you’re interested in learning more about how you can drive support, morale and trust in management:

          1. Empower Your Team: Be a transformational leader that drives trust and respect.

          2. Hire with Care: Adopt unique hiring practices to help identify employee tendencies related to teamwork, communication and confidence.

          3. Encourage Career Development: Create the right atmosphere to promote growth and success in employees.

          4. Develop a Culture of Appreciation: Build a culture of recognition and reward solid performance through acknowledgement.

          5. Nurture Potential: Apply gentle pressure positively while exploring options to come to a collaborative solution.

ACSM Fitness Journal Strategies for Success

Most people want to contribute, they want to experience competence and many want to feel like a meaningful part of a collaborative organization.

Take Aways

A thriving and motivated employee will try every day to do his or her best. Most people want to contribute, they want to experience competence and many want to feel like a meaningful part of a collaborative organization. It’s important to attend to the needs of employees and shake off the idea that top-down control is how to keep employees productive and engaged. Rather, organizational leaders must be able to support the needs of employees through individualized consideration without being controlling. Learn how to give more informational positive feedback and support competency experiences, encourage exploration and self-initiation and provide meaningful rationales when requesting a behavior.

The goal of any workplace should be to empower your team and create the right atmosphere for growth and retention in employees.


There is no one size fits all approach to promoting a thriving workplace, but these simple strategies can improve the long-term success in many workplaces. Explore these strategies in further detail by reading Patrick Freeman’s article “Are You Serving Your Internal Customers?” in the May/June 2019 issue of ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal®. The goal of any workplace should be to empower the team and create the right atmosphere for growth and retention in employees.

ACSM Fitness Journal May-June 2019
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Article based on: Are You Serving Your Internal Customers? Freeman, Patrick, B.S. ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal: May/June 2019 - Volume 23 - Issue 3 - p 36–37 doi: 10.1249/FIT.0000000000000475 Columns: Business Edge (Members only)


Vanessa Kercher PhD
Vanessa M. Kercher, Ph.D., SSC, M.Ed., BESS, specializes in the science, study and measurement of behavior as a psychometrician at The Summit Medical Fitness Center. Dr. Kercher is responsible for the design, development and evaluation of new and existing measures related to health behaviors for clinical and performance programs. Her research passion focuses on helping individuals optimize their physical activity experiences to promote sustainable, positive health behaviors. She serves as the digital editor of ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal®

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