Leslie Schilling MA, RDN, CSSD |
8, 2019

Harmful dieting practices are often disguised as healthy lifestyle behaviors. Leslie Schilling explains the most recent research using non-diet and intuitive eating strategies to fuel performance and lifelong wellness.
About the course:
This course includes an online video from ACSM’s Health & Fitness Summit and a corresponding online quiz.
All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all videos, quizzes, and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quizzes).
Available ACSM CECs 3.0
Learning Objectives for Nutrition Intuition: Moving Away from Dieting Practices:
- Become aware of “dieting” behaviors that may impair performance but are often masked as healthy trends and lifestyle practices.
- Understand the premise and science behind an intuitive and non-diet approach to fueling.
- Learn how to assess clients for these behaviors and apply strategies to improve performance and long-term habits through a non-diet approach.
Purchase and earn CECs
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