Industry-Presented Training Course | Movement Preparation

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Industry-Presented Training Course | Movement Preparation

Nick Winkelman, PhD. |  Aug. 13, 2019

EXOS presents this free Movement Preparation course | Earn 0.5 CECs

ACSM Movement Preparation EXOS

EXOS Presents: The Movement Preparation video demo's provide focused movement strategies for hip activation. Further emphasis is placed on instruction, error identification, error correction, and cueing. Dr. Nick Winkelman places specific emphasis on the evidence supporting the use of dynamic stretching methods opposed to the more traditional static approach.

ACSM Movement Preparation General Movement EXOS 

About the course:

This course includes an online video from an ACSM Industry Partner and a corresponding online quiz. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon access. This includes all videos, quizzes, and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quizzes).

Available ACSM CECs 0.5

Learning Objectives for EXOS Movement Preparation:

  • Identify and list the primary components and proposed benefits of the traditional warm-up
  • Describe and contrast the benefits of dynamic versus static stretching within a warm-up
  • Define movement prep and list the five primary components
  • Identify and design effective movement prep programming relative to individual differences and session demand

Access free course and earn CECs

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