Resistance Training Course | Earn CECs

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Resistance Training Course | Earn CECs

Prof. Marco Narici, PhD |  May 19, 2020

Resistance Training Course ACSM

Featured Industry Presented Webinar/Course - The Neuromuscular Basis of Resistance Training: What’s New?

About the course:

This course includes online webinar from an industry sponsor and a corresponding online quiz. All course content will be presented to you electronically upon completion of your purchase. This includes all videos, quizzes, and certificates (certificates awarded upon successful completion of the quizzes).

Available ACSM CECs 2.0

2 learning objectives for the course - The Neuromuscular Basis of Resistance Training: What’s New?:

  • appreciate the anatomical and neuromuscular basis of muscle contraction.
  • deepen the understanding of the neuromuscular responses to overloading using concentric, eccentric and variable resistance training.

Purchase and earn CECs

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