The American College of Sports Medicine Releases Statement on Violence against People of Asian Descent

The American College of Sports Medicine Releases Statement on Violence against People of Asian Descent

March 30, 2021

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is committed to diversity. ACSM values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation within the fields of exercise science and sports medicine and promotes expanded diversity in membership and involvement, as well as access to leadership. Diversity within ACSM creates a working and learning atmosphere that encourages varied perspectives and an open exchange of ideas.

While ACSM is an international organization, today we focus on the racial injustices seen with recent attacks against people of Asian descent in the U.S. On March 16, eight people, including six women who were of Asian descent, died from gunfire. ACSM leaders and members stand together to speak against the crisis of racial discrimination. We acknowledge people of Asian descent have endured acts of violence at the hands of Americans since the late 1800s and throughout U.S. history. However, violence against Asian Americans has increased during the pandemic. COVID-19 has fueled the facilitation of fear and anti-Asian sentiments. ACSM remains committed to calling attention to racism; and its accompanying combination of policies, behaviors and ideas that cause and sustain racial inequities.

Racism is a social justice problem, and it is a public health problem. We continue to maintain that protection of basic human rights is each person’s responsibility, regardless of professional expertise, country of origin, age, gender or race. Today, we have the opportunity to face this challenge, together, and to use our collective experiences and knowledge to make real change. We implore every human to go about their responsibilities and every other aspect of their daily lives, making decisions with their hearts and minds on social justice. The future of our world depends on it.   


Gover, Angela R., Shannon B. Harper, and Lynn Langton. "Anti-Asian hate crime during the COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring the reproduction of inequality." American Journal of Criminal Justice 45.4 (2020): 647-667.
Zhang, Yan, Lening Zhang, and Francis Benton. "Hate Crimes against Asian Americans." American Journal of Criminal Justice (2021): 1-21.