ACSM's flagship publication, ACSM's Guideline's for Exercise Testing and Prescription, has been a key educational and practical resource for fitness professionals and students since it's original publication. With the publication of each new edition, the information is updated to reflect the most current scientifically based standards in exercise.
ACSM certification exams will reflect the 11th edition material beginning July 1, 2022.
To help guide the reader to the most significant updates in the latest, 11th edition, we provide the following documents:
Summary of Significant Revisions/ Additions from the 10th to 11th Edition
Crosswalk Document for Faculty on Revisions/ Additions from the 10th to 11th Edition*
To learn more about ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, 11th edition, download a free excerpt and purchase the title, please visit here.
*An exam candidate version of the crosswalk will be in the new candidate handbook beginning in October.