ACSM Certified Exam 2023 Pricing Changes

ACSM Certified Exam 2023 Pricing Changes

Nov. 17, 2022

Please be advised that effective Jan. 1, 2023 ACSM will be updating the pricing of ACSM Group Exercise Instructor® (ACSM-GEI), ACSM Certified Personal Trainer® (ACSM-CPT), ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist® (ACSM-EP) and ACSM Certified Clinical Exercise Physiologist® (ACSM-CEP) exams.

Updated Exam Pricing Structure

certification exam 2023 pricing chart

This is the first time exam pricing has been changed since 2017, and comes as a result of recent updates to these exams.

If you wish to take one of these certification exams for the current price, be sure to schedule your exam before the end of the year! All exams scheduled prior to the Jan. 1 deadline will honor the current exam fees.

Have questions? Please contact to learn more.