Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology Opens BioArt Awards
FASEB is seeking entries for visually compelling images or videos produced during biological/biomedical science research activities (e.g., electron microscopy, fluorescent microscopy, visualizations, structural and pathway illustrations). FASEB will selected a winning image or video from each of the following four categories:
Fluorescence or electron microscopy
Other life science images
Trainee/early career (open to graduate students, postdoctoral scholars and researchers within seven years of first independent scientist position)
Deadline for entries is 6 a.m. PDT on Sep. 29, 2023. For full guidelines and to enter your submission, visit the FASEB website.
2025 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee meeting scheduled for Sept. 12-13
The U.S. Departments of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Agriculture (USDA) invite the public to participate in the September Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) committee meeting via livestream. The event will include presentations by each subcommittee and deliberation by the full committee on progress made since the last meeting, including draft protocol development, evidence review and synthesis, and plans for future committee work. A meeting agenda will be published in advance of the meeting, and registration opens Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023. Learn more.
NIH hosts Data Sharing and Reuse Seminar
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) presents “Environment, Justice, and Health: Consortia and Data Sharing Needs through a Community Lens.” This seminar will discuss the growing evidence and the critical need to further study the role of the environment in human health and the importance of environmental justice to address existent inequalities in environmental exposures and related disease, with a focus on metal exposures, related molecular pathways and gene-environment interactions, and relevant interventions. Lessons learned from Indigenous communities and successful experiences in data sharing and reuse will be presented. Aug. 11, 2023, noon to 1 p.m. EDT. Register here.
Healthy People 2030 Webinar Series available for viewing
The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) hosted the sixth installment of the Strengthening Resilience in Children and Adolescents. The webinar features three objectives and Healthy People 2030 Champion Adaptive Sports Ohio presents on their efforts to increase participation in sports teams for children and adolescents with physical disabilities.
Physical Activity Alliance Newsletter
The mission of the Physical Activity Alliance (PAA) is to lead efforts to create, support, and advocate policy and system changes that enable all Americans to enjoy physically active lives. The PAA July newsletter is now available here or visit the PAA website for more information.