Science Spotlight | Opportunities to Engage with ACSM in 2024
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Science Spotlight | Opportunities to Engage with ACSM in 2024

Jan. 22, 2024
Science Spotlight

Increase Your Engagement with ACSM in 2024! There are several ways for ACSM members to become involved with the College. Special interest groups, mentoring, training programs and reviewing are a few of the opportunities available for members and are vital to advancing the mission of ACSM. Consider volunteering your time and expertise to any of the opportunities below. Log in to with your username and password, navigate to the member benefits area, and then to our Member Hub for additional information about these opportunities. 

Special Interest Groups 

ACSM's Special Interest Groups (SIG) cover diverse, high-level subjects ranging from Aging to Strength and Conditioning. The groups are a forum for focused discussion, activity, and debate among members with similar, specific interests. The interest groups hold a yearly meeting in conjunction with the ACSM Annual Meeting, promote current news and research, share professional opportunities (including job openings, grant opportunities, and more), and connect ACSM members across the country and globe. Special Interest Groups are free to join for ACSM members, including students. To join an interest group contact  


Serving as a mentor to younger ACSM members is an excellent way to give back to the ACSM community. Two programs, in particular, provide an outstanding opportunity for engagement. 

Leadership & Diversity Training Program: The purpose of the program is to mentor and retain underrepresented racial/ethnic minority members by offering three different program levels. Program participation is open to ACSM members who are involved in ACSM meetings (regional and national) and committees and who are pursuing ACSM professional presentations, publications, and fellowship. The program pairs mentors with trainees at each level and provides trainees with funding to perform the necessary steps to remain involved with ACSM from student member to ACSM Fellowship. Mentoring assignments start at the ACSM Annual Meeting each year and continue throughout the year. Those serving as mentors are also required to attend the ACSM Annual Meeting and be an ACSM Fellow. If you are an ACSM Fellow and are interested in serving as a mentor for the Leadership & Diversity Training Program, please complete the LDTP Mentor Volunteer Form. Contact Heather Turner at for questions or assistance.  

If you are interested in applying for the Leadership & Diversity Training Program, the application for 2024 were due December 8th, 2023. Look for information and announcements on the 2025 application process and deadlines here.   

Mentoring Women to Fellowship Program: This initiative is intended to mentor ACSM Members who are women to achieve greater involvement in ACSM meetings (regional and national) and committees through the pursuit of ACSM professional presentations, publications, fellowship, and leadership. This initiative will provide mentors and in-kind support to protégés. Protégés must have a terminal degree to participate in this program. Both mentors and protégés are expected to attend the ACSM Annual Meeting. Mentor volunteer forms will be accepted any time. Protégé applications are accepted October 1-March 1. Matching of mentors and proteges will occur March 1-May 1 each year.  

If you are an ACSM Fellow and interested in volunteering as a mentor for the Mentoring Women to Fellowship program, please complete the Mentoring Women to Fellowship Mentor Form and email the application or questions to Heather Drake.  

If you are an ACSM member interested in becoming a protégé for the Mentoring Women to Fellowship Program, complete the protégé application and email the application or questions to Heather Drake


ACSM Fellowship is an elite member status for long term Professional Members, who have provided significant service to ACSM. ACSM Fellows are members have demonstrated high standards of professional development and shown a commitment to the goals and longrange activities of the College. The purpose of fellowship is to recognize commendable service to ACSM, encourage continued service to the College in a leadership role with ongoing dedication, and to recognize distinguished achievement in sports medicine and related disciplines. Interested members must apply through a formal application and assessment process where applications are reviewed by a committee. Applicants must attain specific “minimal” benchmarks in the path they choose. Meeting the minimum criterion does not guarantee advancement, only that the application will be considered by the committee. Reviews are completed twice a year. Visit the Fellowship Application website for information on objectives and minimum benchmarks, tips for applying, and further information about the application process. Application deadline: February 1 and August 1.  


ACSM members can volunteer to serve as reviewers in several areas within the College and play an important role in the success of ACSM’s various publications. Reviewer opportunities are available to professionals, ACSM Fellows, Alliance, professional-in-training members and to student members at the graduate level.  

ACSM Journals: Members can volunteer to serve as a review for manuscripts for one of ACSM’s six journals (Health & Fitness Journal, Current Sports Medicine Reports, Exercise and Sports Sciences Reviews, Exercise, Sport and Movement, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise) by completing the ACSM Journals Interest form.  

ACSM Books: Volunteer to review chapters in upcoming editions of ACSM titles by providing a copy of your CV, a list of your keywords, and a note with the content area that your expertise most closely aligns with (Certification related, Health-Fitness, or Science) to Angie Chastain at 

Certification of Titles: By reviewing chapters for clarity and content accuracy, expert opinions serve as a critical piece in shaping future ACSM certification publications. Professional expertise and subject knowledge of clinicians, health/fitness professionals, and academicians are always appreciated. Please submit your volunteer requests to Angie Chastain at