Melissa Wehnert Roti, PhD, FACSM, ACSM-EP, ACSM-GEI |
8, 2021
The Fitness Assessment, Exercise Training and Performance topic area covers the broadest array of themes in the fields of exercise science and sports medicine and we have presentations for everyone from researchers, academics and practitioners to fitness professionals, educators and students. For the 2021 Annual Meeting, the program committee has focused on including more international experts and female-related topics and perspectives. As always, our topic area covers all ages and fitness levels as well as some more focused information about specific sports and activities.
We are excited to present our Highlighted Symposium, “Military Human Performance Optimization and Injury Prevention: International Perspectives,” on Friday, June 4th 2:15 p.m. Patrick Gagnon, of the Canadian Forces Morale & Welfare Services, Dept. of National Defence, Ottawa, ON, Canada will discuss ‘Picking the Perfect Operator: A Canadian Perspective on Physical Selections for Demanding Occupations’; Julie Greeves, OBE, of the British Defense Forces, London, United Kingdom will discuss ‘Current Findings from the British Military Women in Close Combat Task Force’; Herb Groeller, Ph.D., of the University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia will discuss ‘Physical and Cognitive Resilience Enhancement Strategies in the Australian Army’; and session chair Bradley Nindl, Ph.D., FACSM, of the University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA will discuss ‘Human Performance Optimization Science and Strategies in the US Army.’ This international group of speakers will include in their talks how the general practitioner can use this science in their own training environments.
There are two other exciting symposia, on Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning, respectively. Along with his promotion of youth fitness, John F. Kennedy was a strong advocate of the remarkable physical education program at La Sierra HS, headed up by coach Stan LeProtti and highlighted in “The Motivation Factor” documentary. “Make America Fit Again: Completing the JFK Challenge” will be presented by Irene Davis, Ph.D., FACSM; Ron Jones, and John Ratey, M.D., as well as an alum of the La Sierra HS program, Tony Asaro. “Sex Matters in Performance: The Female of the Species is Stronger than the Male,” will be presented by Glyn Howatson, Ph.D., FACSM; Sandra Hunter, Ph.D., FACSM; Paul Ansdell, Kevin Thomas and Emma Z. Ross and will include recommendations on how the emerging evidence in this area can be translated to practice to best affect in female athletes.
There will be several practical tutorial sessions including one by Andrew Jones, Ph.D., on “Prescribing Endurance Training from Physiological Tests,” “The Compatibility of Endurance and Strength Training: Old Myths, New Science and Practical Applications” by Moritz Schumann, Ph.D., and Tommy Lundberg, Ph.D.; and finally, “Is there a Pattern to Help the Breathless Athlete?” by Hege Clemm, M.D., Ph.D.; John Dickinson, M.D.; and James Hull, Ph.D., FACSM.
We will round out our broad category with an enlightening Colloquium “Bringing Everyone Back to the Game: The Importance of Youth Sports Post-COVID-19” with Katrina L. Piercy, Ph.D., FACSM; Karin Pfeiffer, Ph.D., FACSM, and Tom Farrey, and led in discussion by ACSM President, NiCole Keith, Ph.D., FACSM, to discuss national youth sports policy, current research and implications, and opportunities to change and improve the youth sports landscape at the local level. And finally, our European College of Sport Science Exchange Lecture – “Exercise and Health: Molecular Aspects” where Scott K. Powers, Ed.D., Ph.D., FACSM, and Bente Klarlund Pedersen, M.D., MDSC, will discuss the molecular mechanisms whereby exercise induces cardioprotection.
As usual, there are a multitude of virtual poster sessions on the above topics as well as body composition, health and wellness, interval training, resistance training, monitoring, recovery, running, special populations, fitness testing and specific sports. With so many abstracts and interest in this topic area, there are plenty of posters you can view in between regular sessions during the whole conference! We look forward to you joining us at the 2021 Virtual ACSM Annual Meeting to learn more about fitness assessment, training and performance. For all our ACSM Certified professionals you can ensure you are employing the most current evidence-based practices as well as earn your CECs to maintain your certifications. Not certified? You can learn more about ACSM certification there, too!
Melissa Wehnert Roti, PhD, FACSM, ACSM-EP, ACSM-GEI, is a Professor and Director of the Exercise Science Program at Westfield State University. She is a member of the ACSM ActivEarth Task Force and the ACSM Annual meeting Program Committee.
Connect with Dr. Roti on Twitter: @MelissaRoti.