2023 ACSM Annual Meeting Highlighted Sessions in Environmental and Occupational Physiology

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2023 ACSM Annual Meeting Highlighted Sessions in Environmental and Occupational Physiology

Caroline J. Smith, Ph.D., FACSM |  May 16, 2023

765x370 23 annual meeting_EOPWe’re excited to see you all very soon for the ACSM 2023 Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado! The Environmental and Occupation Physiology (EOP) topical area offers an exciting in-person program for the 2023 conference with lots of not-to-be-missed sessions. This topical area is highly relevant to anyone interested in topics relating to human health and performance in environmental extremes, including cold exposure, heat, diving physiology, altitude and microgravity. Sessions range from basic science to applications for training, hydration, clothing and policy development in athletes, clinical populations, military, firefighters and related occupations. Many of the sessions will appeal to researchers, athletes, coaches and clinicians, so please join us for some exceptional EOP sessions.

We are excited to promote the EOP Highlighted Symposium on the timely and important topic of “The Mental Health Crisis: The Impact of Exercise and the Environment on Psychobiological Function” (session B-10, room 205) which will be held on Wednesday, May 31 at 9:30 a.m. This symposium features cross-disciplinary experts from the University of Colorado Boulder, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus and The University of Texas at Arlington, who will discuss the complex physiological mechanisms by which mood and anxiety disorders increase chronic disease risk, with a major focus on the influence of exercise and the environment on psychobiological function. The exciting line-up of speakers includes Christopher A. Lowry, Ph.D., Jody Greaney, Ph.D., FACSM, Kerrie Moreau, Ph.D. and Tracy Greer, Ph.D. The session will be rounded off with questions and discussion so please join us for what will be an excellent series of talks!

A continuing theme in EOP programming concerns sex-related differences in physiological responses to varied environmental stressors. This provides another timely topic, discussing “Hot in (Her)re: New Insights into Thermal and Fluid Regulation in Women” which will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, June 1 (session D-24, room 207). This brings together an excellent group of speakers including Orlando Laitano, Ph.D., discussing sex as a biological variable in exertional heat stroke (EHS), Toby Mündel, Ph.D., addressing if ovarian hormones influence EHS and Jessica Freemas, discussing fluid regulation across the menstrual cycle. Gabrielle Giersch, Ph.D., will round up the session highlighting potential sex differences in heat stress in the US military.

Some other exciting sessions to look out for are “Dehydration: Sweating Out the Details of Multiple System Dysfunction” (session C-50, room 207) on Wednesday, May 31 at 3:45 p.m. co-chaired by Zac Schlader, Ph.D., FACSM and J.J. Duke, Ph.D., FACSM. Topics include the effects of dehydration on renal function, pain, and social determinants and racial differences in hydration with implications for cardiovascular health. For those interested in the effects of a variety of oral supplements and topical applications including menthol and sunscreen on different aspects of thermoregulation, please consider attending Thematic Poster session “From Supplements to Sunscreen: Effects on Thermoregulation” (session E-57, room 706) on Thursday, June 1 at 3:45 p.m.

For those interested in a broad range of topics relating to heat illness risk and prevention in populations including children, older adults and athletes, Ollie Jay, Ph.D., is chairing the free communication/slide session “It's Getting Hot in Here: Heat Illness Risk and Prevention” (session G-56, room 710) on June 2 at 3:45 p.m. Scott Collier, Ph.D. is chairing a rapid fire platform session on “Occupational and Military Physiology: Sleep” (session C-47, Hall B) on Wednesday, May 31 at 3:45 p.m. which highlights the impact of shift work and related occupational factors in police, firefighters and Navy personnel on different aspects of sleep.

The 2023 annual meeting also features a comprehensive range of posters covering all aspects of environmental, occupational and military physiology, including physiological responses to heat, cold, altitude, hyperbaria and microgravity. Applied aspects of the EOP topical area also highlight military, police and firefighter relevant tasks and physiological responses. Poster session chairs will be walking around the poster hall and encouraging some fun discussion, so please stop by as many poster sessions as you can!

We have an exceptional EOP program for 2023 with only a few sessions highlighted here. Please review the full EOP program and we look forward to seeing you in Denver in a few weeks!

Join us at the 2023 ACSM Annual Meeting

Caroline Smith HeadshotCaroline J. Smith, Ph.D., FACSM, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Health and Exercise Science, Appalachian State University, NC. She is Director of the Thermal and Microvascular Physiology Laboratory specializing in thermal physiology. Her research program broadly focuses on thermoregulatory responses during exposure to heat and dermal carcinogen exposure in occupational settings. Dr. Smith received her PhD in Thermal Physiology from the Environmental Ergonomics Research Center, Loughborough University, UK, and completed postdoctoral training at Noll Laboratory, The Pennsylvania State University. She is the topical representative for Environmental and Occupational Physiology on the ACSM program committee.